Monday, September 17, 2018

Stage 23: Villavante to Astorga

September 16, 2018

Well, Rich has done it again! He now has a new blister - this time it's a large blood blister on the ball of his left foot. Ashley says we need to lance it, but I'm hoping it will go away by itself (I know, false hope). His feet certainly are turning out to be his Achilles heel! Needless to say, he didn't walk with us today, but instead took a taxi to Astorga and met us at our hotel there.

The scenery is definitely changing. We passed a number of corn fields and other fields planted with leafy vegetables (neither Becky nor I could figure out what it was), but very few wheat fields. A lot more trees and we are now solidly in hill country, having climbed 800+ feet today. Looking at our map, the next few days are going to be even hillier!

The flies were out with a vengeance today! These are not the type of flies we have at home. They're small things that try to fly into your eyes, nose and mouth and continually hover around your face. Becky broke off a small tree branch and used it to shoo them away. I used my walking poles as windshield wipers and that seemed to work for a while. Not sure what God's purpose was in creating these creatures. Jerry thinks they're more prevalent in the areas where there are oak trees. Once we started walking through evergreens they seemed to disappear, so he may be right.

About 6 miles into our walk, as we approached the small town of Santibanez de Valdeiglesia, we heard a faint song carried on the wind. By the time we reached the town square, the singing had stopped, but people were streaming from the small church. We had almost forgotten that today is Sunday and the song we had heard was the congregation (or choir) singing. The only way it could have carried so far must have been through an outside loudspeaker. I wonder if this is the way some Spaniards attend Mass?

We finished our 14 mile trek into Astorga @ 1:30 pm. Becky and Jerry opted to make use of the hotel's spa facilities, but I talked Rich into walking to Plaza Catedrale, which houses Gaudi's Palacio Episcopal and Astorga's Gothic cathedral (Catedrale de Santa Maria de Astorga). The Palacia Episcopal and Casa Botines (which we saw in León) are the only two Gaudi buildings outside Barcelona. Although Rich made the walk, he sat and rested his feet while I toured the cathedral.

The countdown continues: we now have only 11 more stages, 11 more days and 162 more miles to Santiago. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Buen Camino

Medieval bridge into the town of Hospital de Órbigo

Just when the flies were about to drive me crazy, I saw these beauties

One meets the strangest pilgrims along the Camino

Gaudi's Palacio Episcopal

Altarpiece in Astorga's cathedral

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