Saturday, September 1, 2018

Stage 8: Logroño to Najera

August 31, 2018

Glad we had a rest day yesterday as today was another long day of walking! Officially, it was supposed to be 18 miles, but I think we walked closer to 20. My Garmin watch died at @ 18.25 miles and we were still a LONG way from our destination. It didn't help that we took a bit of a detour to the town of Ventosa that we hadn't intended to take. 

We said goodbye to Rich @ 6:45 am from our hotel in Logroño (yes, his foot is still not healed and he’s meeting us at our destination each day after negotiating the Spanish public transportation system). The morning was cool and it was a pleasure to be out walking. We seem to have left the wheat fields behind (at least for now) and have been walking through vineyards and olive groves. We stopped at the Pantano de la Grajera, a lovely park on a small lake, for breakfast. By 10:00 am, we were in the town of Navarette, almost 8 miles from our starting point. We stopped at the  Church of the Assumption, and Mass was being said. We thought about staying, but decided we had a long way to go yet today. A little later, we met up with a couple from Georgia whom we had met a few times before and they told us they had gone into church at the end of Mass. When Father saw them, he announced to the congregation that peregrinos (pilgrims) were there and offered a special blessing. Wish we had been there.

The day stayed fairly cool until @ 1:00 pm. After that, it was a trudge moving forward. I thought walking over the Pyrenees was going to be the hardest part of this journey, but it’s the getting up day after day and walking 13 – 20 miles each day that’s going to be the mental and physical challenge to conquer. When we started out this morning, I thought I had my "Camino legs" and was feeling strong, but by the end of our day, I could barely put one foot in front of another. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue moving forward toward Santiago.

We are now 26 stages, 27 days, and 368 miles from Santiago.
Buen Camino

Downtown Logrono before dawn

Pantano de la Grajera

Church of the Assumption in Navarette

On the road somewhere

A tale of two Caminos - what we are seeing....

and Rich's view of the Camino

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